Introduction to CBD for cats
CBD or Cannabidiol is a substance that is gathered from hemp. Hemp is the leftover parts of the Cannabis Sativa plants after removing THC or tetrahydrocannabinol that is responsible for the feeling of being “high”. CBD is a well-researched treatment used for both humans and animals that can help them recover from various ailments, inflammations, chronic conditions, and more. It provides a holistic treatment for both physical and mental conditions that they may be experiencing. This article is a quick guide on the different benefits of CBD for your pet cats.
Is CBD safe for cats?
Because of marijuana formerly being totally illegal, many are doubting its effectiveness when used as medicine. The good news is that CBD is totally safe for your cats. As mentioned above, it is free from THC. It is capable of giving all the medicinal properties of cannabis without its negative aftereffects. Products that use CBD must also meet a certain amount of maximum THC level to still make it legal to sell in the market which is why most of the products readily available online and in pet stores are safe for you. It is also very important to distinguish between THC, CBD, and marijuana. Although they can be found in similar ideas they are not always the same. As CBD can come from something that has nothing to do with marijuana, but they are generally lumped together just because of how they are marketed.
What does CBD do to cats?
Cats have an endocannabinoid system. This can help maintain different body functions and keep them optimal and normal. It tries to minimize chronic pain, drastic peaks in mental activity, and generally keep your body levels normal. With the help of CBD, this can be stimulated to work better. Through this, it can communicate better with various parts of the body such as the nervous and immune system. Because of this, using CBD can help target a lot of different issues that your body may be facing. It provides overall wellbeing for your body.
What are the benefits of CBD for cats?
As mentioned above, it provides holistic wellbeing for cats. Because of this, it has a lot of benefits for cats.
First, it can help maintain their mental health in optimal levels. Cats that have a high level of aggression and anxiety can have better moods. They can be more relaxed and friendlier towards their owners and with other pets as well.
CBD can also help in lessening any chronic pain that they may be feeling. This is especially applicable for older cats that suffer from joint pain, inflamed body parts, seizures, arthritis, and more. Through this, they can have more energy and can generally move better.
CBD also can help prevent any life-threatening conditions such as having tumors, cancers, and allergies. It can also help in boosting their immune system.
However, it is important to take note that CBD is mainly responsible for boosting bodily functions and alleviating these symptoms. It should not be used as a direct alternative for a medicine for any underlying disease of the cat that may still affect them and get worse later on if untreated. Because of this, getting an opinion from their veterinarian should still be followed.
How can CBD be given to cats?
CBD should be given in a dosage that fits the size of your cat. There are available measurements written in the label of the product that can tell you how many drops of the CBD oil that they can take. Higher dosages are not necessarily lethal but can result in bowel irritation and more. Some cats may also have unexpected allergic reactions to it. If this happens, it may be recommended for the pet owner to stop giving the product. This is not likely to happen, though, as CBD is largely healthy for a lot of cats regardless of breed and size.
What are some of the different CBD products that can be given to cats?
CBD comes in multiple forms. First is the pure CBD oil that mainly contains no other compounds but cannabidiol. Next, some offer a form that mainly comes from hemp to ensure that it will have low levels of THC. Also, there is a form that mixes CBD with other cannabinoids gathered from plants other than cannabis. Through this, you can have a lot of plants that can help maintain the health of your cat and improve their overall health and wellbeing. There are so many different ways for cats to get CBD that we just can’t do it justice within this article, which is why we will have a lot of articles about all the different CBD products on the market for cats now!
Final thoughts on CBD for cats
CBD can greatly help in improving the overall health of your cat. It can help maintain stress, lessen chronic pain, avoid cancers, improve their immune system, and more. Come back often to find out about the new things we have learned and products we have tried out.